Dubai Expo which is every shopper’s dream that was scheduled to be held from 20 October 2020 – 10 April 2021 is now finally going to be held from October 01, 2021.
The event will be going to be held till 31 March 2022. The event was postponed due to the rise of coronavirus all across the world, this news is all set to thrill visitors.
Located between the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the Dubai Expo 2020 is going to be a major event. This expo will see 60 shows daily, 191 country pavilions and over 200 restaurants will be present at the venue.
Dubai Expo 2020 is divided into three districts, these are the Mobility District, Opportunity District, and the Sustainability District.
The excitement for the expo has reached its peak as it has just days left. Dubai’s flagship airlines Emirates has released a campaign featuring actor Chris Hemsworth.
Some of the topics for the Dubai 2020 expo is Space; Climate & Biodiversity; Travel & Connectivity; Health & Wellness; and Water. Here every week there will be a dedicated theme that will help to tackle global issues.
You can book your tickets from the official website of the expo.