Check your bank international transaction limit before setting your foot on a different country.
Some banks have limited daily international transaction limit which you can upgrade before leaving to the new country which will help you to withdraw money without worrying.
This might come in handy at the places where they still use Cash as a major form of the transaction rather than online activity. If you have limited daily withdrawal limit and you won’t spend more then it would be difficult for you to shop at a new place.
Do keep in mind the bank transaction limit, charges for international transaction and the number of attempts. Before going, have an email interaction with bank customer service and try to get contacts within the bank so that if you are in any situation, you can email for immediate response.
On the other hand, you can also try to keep multiple bank cards and split the amount between these two banks which has less international charges or withdrawal limit. This will help you to withdraw the required amount. But as people tend to overspend, cap the daily limit on both of them.
Having 2 cards also will help you to sustain your travel where if 1 card gets lost you can always count on others.
Hello, the best solo travel tips you are sharing, keep it up! Waiting to learn more tips…