Before you travel to a location on a budget, try practising to walk with a backpack at your place.
Yes, you read it right. Walk at your location with a backpack for a couple of miles and later fill the bag with minimum weight and walk. Practice walking for a distance at your home place like in a park or street until you get used to weighing baggage.
It would also be more helpful if you carry the backpack with the items which you intend to pack during travel and this helps to know how much your body can handle. Instead of regretting of packing everything and ending up with a tiring first day of vacation, a practice session at your place will help you to decide what to leave behind and what to add to your backpack.
During your vacation and we tend to include some of the things which we never use for a single day at a new place. For example, during my last visit, I carried 2 extra pair of Jeans expecting that it would be needed for an emergency but I never used. However, an extra pair of jeans would have been sufficient. This additional pair of jean added more weight, took up baggage space and also took up the place of another important item which was supposed to be added in the list of things to carry.
If I had planned my walk with beforehand and experienced a little difficultly, I would have found a plan B for the jean which I had carried and would have taught about any workaround. However, what’s done is done and I regretted this decision.
This is a pre-travel tip which everyone should follow before so that it will help one to experience their fun-filled vacation and not come back home fuming about 1 issue. Walk and practice, remove the items which are not needed and this tip will help you to walk at new destination which saves you some bucks which you might waste for transportation.